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Key Concepts & Interface Walkthrough

5 mins

What Will You Learn?

  • Differences Between Database Account & User Account
  • Tabs, Sheets, & Fields
  • What is the Listing page & Form Page
  • How to Change the Design of a Sheet

Key Concepts

Database Account: The first person who signs up for Ragic in your organization will create a database account, and the account name will be your Ragic domain. A database account can contain multiple user accounts, and the person who created the database account will be able to add others using their emails.

User Account: A user will have their own user identity in a database account. Each user will use their email as their username when logging on to Ragic.

Tab: A tab is a collection of your sheets in Ragic. You may use unlimited tabs to organize your sheets in categories of your choice. For example, "Sales Tab" might contain several sheets like "Accounts", "Product List", "Quotations", and "Sales Order" etc.

Sheet: A sheet it's a pre-configured format to store data and will consist of many fields. For instance, "Customers Sheet" is for storing customers' information, and each customer will be saved as a record in this sheet.

Field: Fields are used for storing values. For example, "Customers Sheet" will have fields to save "Customer ID", "Name", "Phone Number", and "Address" etc.

Listing Page: On the listing page, the records are arranged in rows with each row being one record. You can see summaries of several records at once.

Form Page: The form page displays the complete details of an individual record. Adding new records or changing the design will mostly happen on the form page.

Change Design: You can add, delete, and move fields in the Form page's design mode. In the Listing page's design mode, you can only select which fields to display and modify the layout.

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